Lubię mieć przy sobie notes. Prawie zawsze mam go przy sobie. Ponieważ często wkładam do notesu luźne kartki, zwykle rozsypywały mi się po torebce i szybko niszczyły. Stwierdziłam, że skoro tyle szyję, dlaczego nie miałabym sobie ułatwić życia?
I like to carry my notebook with me. I almost always have it with me. Because I often put loose pages into it, it usually fells apart in the bag and quickly gets destroyed. So I decided that should find a way to solve this problem.
I like to carry my notebook with me. I almost always have it with me. Because I often put loose pages into it, it usually fells apart in the bag and quickly gets destroyed. So I decided that should find a way to solve this problem.